Burdsall Fire StationFlanner House is seeking proposals for the operation of a CREATIVE ENTERPRISE at the Fire Station No. 23, located at 927 Burdsal Parkway in the Northwest Area of Indianapolis.Fire Station No. 23 sits at the intersection of Fall Creek and the Central Canal.

The purpose is to develop a creative space that is economically sustainable and provides access to creative opportunities for the Northwest Area community. The space should provide access to creative experiences, be open to the community use, be sustainable in nature and be innovative in its approach. Incorporation of creative placemaking strategies is highly encouraged.The Creative Enterprise is intended to complement the Northwest Area redevelopment efforts and take into consideration the Quality of Life Plan developed by residents.

Submission are due June 22, 2015. A copy of the RFP and supporting documents can be downloaded from FlannerHouse.com.

Fire Station Elevation Blueprint